Wednesday, September 21, 2005

New Orleans: What you didn’t see...

The images we often see, The images we rarely see, and The difference.

Much of the United States and the world has been focused on the tragedy and sorrow of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast as of late. The unimaginable damage and destruction is overwhelming. It goes to show that nothing is forever, and no matter how much you protect yourself and your nation, no matter how many steps you take to combat terror, there is always the chance for loss and death. Nature can be just as destructive as anything in this world. However, Nature is something we can't avoid or predict. Anger and violence is. It is unfortunate that so much attention is being put towards the unfortunate, and non-avoidable event in the Gulf Coast, and there isn't as much fuss over the man made, and completely avoidable DISASTER caused by the very nation struck by hurricane Katrina. Click on the link below to read a wonderful article by Jurrian Kamp of Ode Magazine on this topic.

Click Here for the Entire article

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