Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dreaming of Snow

Well, it has really been trying to snow lately, but the problem is that it has been way to warm and the snow eventually turns to rain. I was getting a little anxious for some real powder, so I created "Idaho Rocks Best Winter Pics of 2005/2006" for our viewing pleasure. Hopefully after viewing the album, our collective thoughts can bring some of the white stuff our way.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Unexpected Surprise

Our pipes were frozen under our kitchen sink, so we opened up the faucet with the hopes of warming it up and breaking the ice loose. Well, when we left for work the next day we forgot to actually close the faucets. The Good news is that the pipes are no longer frozen. The bad news is that we had a very unexpected surprise when we came home from work! All I can say is thank God for Shop Vac's!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Snowshoeing in Idaho City

Jennifer and I went snowshoeing around Idaho City today; it was pretty sweet. There wasn't a whole lot of snow, but it was still pretty nice. I know that I am doing a little snow dance every night in hopes of hitting up some freshy soon. Here are some picture from the trip

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Friday, December 01, 2006

So much fun on Willow Ave

Well, we have been quite busy the past few weeks. After having our extremely nasty toilet break down on us for the last time, we finally decided to buck up and get the bathroom remodeled. It is has been a challenging process for sure, with many unexpected scenarios. All in all, it has been a good learning experience so far. The project has also expanded a little beyond just the bathroom. Despite some peoples opinions, we decided to take down the barn wood in the lower level. We found some interesting things behind the wall as you can see here. Take a look at a some of the pictures if you dare. We'll send some more pictures as the project progresses. Those who know this house, please send me an email and let me know your thoughts on the "surprise door" on the North Facing wall. Should we open it up??

Click Here to see the pictures