Thursday, November 01, 2007

Positive Press - Could Raspberries help cure Cancer?

So instead of taking the approach of being a "negative Nelly" and just complaining, I thought I would take a different approach. I recently found this article that points to some very convincing evidence that a Berry Gel solution can help cure Oral Cancer. Based on the article on, "20 patients with pre-cancerous lesions were asked to apply a solution containing freeze-dried raspberries suspended in KY jelly to their lesions four times daily for six weeks. At the end of the trial, a number of patients were found to have reversed their condition, while more than half had made significant improvements." - Did you hear that? Raspberries could cure certain types of cancer? Let's hope that this research is continued. As per my last article on Cancer, it would be doubtful that the FDA and Pharmaceutical companies would promote this since you cannot actually patent Raspberries and therefore can't make a large profit like you can with Pharmaceuticals...

Here is an article
that also leads to evidence that Blueberries can slash Colon Cancer Rates by 57%.

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