There are some great things going on in Sun Valley this month. As some of you may already know, the citizens of Hailey just took a bold step in reversing archaic Marijuana & Hemp laws in this country. The citizens voted yes on 3 out of 4 Marijuana/Hemp initiatives on the ballot yesterday. I’ve listed the results below as reported by SunValleyOnline.com so you can see exactly what they voted for and what they didn’t. I think this is an excellent first step and it would only happen in this valley since we literally are an island of Liberal Thinkers among a lake/sea of conservatives here in Idaho.
The debate on whether to legalize Hemp and/or Marijuana is kind of a tricky one with many different facets to the debate. I for one would love to see all of it legalized. However, even more important than legalizing the plant to smoke would be legalizing hemp for industrial purposes. Hemp has so many great benefits for industries such as Bio-Fuels and Healthcare. Hemp has many nutritional benefits that aren't found in many other plants.
So, read the results and then post a comment on the site. What do you think? Should Hemp and/or Marijuana be legalized? Why? Why not?
Here are the results:
Hailey marijuana initiative:
Yes – 573
No - 674
(Should marijuana be legalized, taxed, and regulated like alcohol and tobacco in the City of Hailey?)
Hailey medical marijuana initiative:
Yes – 687
No - 581
(Should doctors be allowed to prescribe medical marijuana to sick and dying patients without fear of arrest or prosecution?)
Hailey hemp initiative:
Yes – 683
No - 565
(Should the City of Hailey support the use and cultivation of industrial hemp by farmers?)
Hailey priority initiative:
Yes – 637
No - 601
(Should use of marijuana by adults in the privacy of their homes be the lowest law enforcement priority of the Hailey Police?)
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