So the Lawellin family for the past couple years has been trying to have a little get together every year, some times it works out and some times it doesn't. Last year we went to Lake Powell, but Mark and Kelsey couldn't join us; the year before that I was in Iraq and the first year after I got back from Korea and before I came to Idaho; Dad, Sara, Troy and myself went backpacking down by Bluff, Utah. This year we went llama packing in the Gore Range in Colorado, unfortunately not everyone could make it this year either, but it was still a great trip. So on the 13th Jennifer, my Dad, Cathy and myself headed out of the Rock Creek trail head and began the trek to Boulder Lake. We set up camp in the fading light and had a great dinner by of fresh salad and spaghetti by headlamp. The next morning I woke up and enjoyed the wonderful view you can see in the bottom
picture. After having a awesome alpine start of noon we started hiking to our next destination; Slate Lake. We where hiking right along
We woke up to more rain, but it had slackened off immensely so after discussing our options a bit we decided to head back to Boulder Lake so we could meet Mark and Kelsey and get out on our planned date. The rain gradually began to disappear and by the time we made it back to Boulder Lake the sun was out. We spread out our gear to let it dry and grabbed the fly rods to attempt to land some yummy fish for dinner. Unfortunately the fish where not interested, but they where also very small as the lake was pretty shallow. So after being defeated by the fish we retired to camp and wined a bit before bed. The next day we hiked out back to the truck and met Mark and Kelsey on the trail. All in all it was a pretty great and relaxing trip up in Colorado's wilderness.
Hey, where are all the pictures?? Sounds like a great adventure!!
Wow! The pix are awesome. So sorry we missed it. Next year we'll be there.
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