What is it about life that just seems to not be right? Every day we wake up (against our desire), go to work (usually against our desire), and work for a “living”. At the end of a usually long day, we get in our cars, drive home, and try to integrate back in to normal life. After about 4 hours of this normality, its time to go to sleep, wake up (against our desire), and do it all over again. All the while dreading that next day, and never really (and fully) enjoying our time off. Fifty percent of our waking lives are spent working for the elusive buck, just so we can spend the other 50% spending and using the money we just made, and sleeping. Does anyone else think it should be easier? Does anyone else think life should be a bit more fulfilling than just working the nine to five? Were we put here on earth just to be stressed out and tired all the time?
I for one don’t want to take it any more. I want to find that burning desire that I know is in there. Find the thing that drives me to step outside the boundaries of every day monotony, and break free! There has got to be something that would let me be the person I know I want to be. Maybe a Natural Doctor, maybe a backcountry guide, or a Nature Photographer. Perhaps a journalist for a new age magazine or newspaper. I don’t know! The possibilities are endless. There really are so many things that I’ve wanted to do (and still want to do).
Perhaps I’m just so overwhelmed with the possibilities. Perhaps having so many choices and so many roads to go down is really my main problem. Maybe I’m just so paralyzed in my decision making process that it is impairing me from actually getting off my ass and really going for it! Yes, I think that is it. I just can’t make a decision.
Okay Bryan, as any AA attendee would tell you, “First step is admitting you have a problem. Now, what are you going to do about it?”
I know the problem, but don’t have that extra push to simply detach from outcome and make it happen.
I’m working on it though, and slowly, one step at a time, I think I can break this destructive habit, and really start going for the things that matter most (to me) in life.
1 comment:
Yes you are just whining Bryan. My advice is just make a friggin decision. Don't think about it, just do it.
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